SKR mini e3 v3 i2c problem

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Voron 0.1
MCU / Printerboard: SKR mini e3 v3

I am about to install an oled display, sh1106
If I write i2c1a to the config file in the [display] section, I get an error message that the pin is not available, crystal is connected.

In the stm32f0 file I found "DECL_ENUMERATION(“i2c_bus”, “i2c1_PB8_PB9”, 2); "
which is correct, I need PB8 and PB9. Unfortunately if I write “i2c1_PB8_PB9” into config, Klipper doesnt recognise it, and sends an error message too.

Is it a bug in the firmware, or I missed something? I found conversations about it in the issues, however I still have the problem.

The latest Klipper (compiled from sources) solved the problem.
The i2c_bus: i2c1_PB8_PB9 is working now.