Teensy 4.1 support?

Since I can’t really find any mention of the Teensy 4.1 I’m going to assume it hasn’t really been supported in Klipper but I have to ask. I’m looking to design a PCB with a Rpi CM4 and a Teensy 4.1 attached. Not specifically for Klipper or 3D printers at all really, I was more trying to do this for a PnP machine. Hardware wise the 2 are very similar and though I don’t have a 3D printer I’ll probably build one at some point so I’m trying to target both at the moment.

I know Marlin supports the Teensy 4.1 just curious if there’s anything going on in Klipper. At the moment I’m planning on connecting the Teensy and CM4 via SPI and UART though UART is the only thing likely to work with what’s out there now. Curious about thoughts on this?

I guess the Teensy 4.1 could be considered for a 3D printer controller running the Klipper firmware, but you would need to set up the firmware build process for it as well as define the MCU configuration (Clocks, USB, Analog Inputs, etc.).

I don’t think that would be a huge amount of work but it begs the question “Why?”

There are two significant issues with the MIMXRT MCUs used in the Teensy 4.1 that really make it a non-starter. The first is you can’t get them and you won’t be able to until the start of the 2024 at best (Freescale has blown every MCU delivery date they’ve promised since 2020 - I know because it’s cost me big time) and while PCJR seems to be getting some in the coming months, there won’t be anything available for anybody else. Secondly, the MIMXRT is at least 50% more expensive and requires more support chips than the STM32F and STM32G.

I get that you want to do something unique and the Teensy 4.1 platform looks interesting but if you were to go with that and were able to come up with a Klipper firmware version and build process, you’re going to have a devil of a time coming up with a product that is cost competitive with the existing 3D printer controllers currently on the market.

Well first, I have a drawer full of them lol. I use them for alot of stuff.

Second, I have no idea why you say “you can’t get them”. Every version of the Teensy 4.x is currently in stock in the PJRC store which is where I always bought them. Paul just mentioned that the 4.x part supply is stable. I think you are talking about the 3.x which has been a problem for a while, but I don’t use those for anything.

As for firmware, well that’s not my thing…which is why I made a post asking if it’s already supported. It’s actually kind of hard to find this info for someone who’s not already upto snuff on Klipper. I assume that response means it is not.

I’m not really concerned about whether it’s a viable product cost-wise for a 3D printer or not, like I said that wasn’t even the initial idea I had. I just like the idea of a single carrier PCB with both my MCU and CPU modules being replaceable. The wiring is cleaner, it’s smaller, the performance is better, so it’s worth spending more on than a Chinese 3D printer controller from Amazon. It’s actually alot easier to deal with than sticking an STM32 on the PCB because I’m not sicking any MCUs or supporting compenents on the PCB directly, it’s a module. A 600mhz MCU probably isn’t all that necessary for a 3D printer but I’m just looking to make an all-in-one, one-size-fits-all. The Teensy4 is supported by Marlin, can’t say how well but it’s there. That being the case even now I can build a PnP with it or a 3D Printer. Klipper just seems like a better setup for a printer to me, which is why I posted this.

I was looking at the MIMXRT1062 (the Teensy 4.1’s MCU) on Mouser and Digi-Key. Lots of zeros there for the parts and the earliest they’re projected to be available is October of this year. If you have a “drawer full of them” then you’re set for but I’d ask questions if somebody told me the part supply is “stable” - as I said, I have been badly burned by Freescale and am very skeptical that they will have a reliable supply of their products for anybody than their biggest customers (and I don’t think PJRC comes under that heading).

Good luck on the project if you go through with it and share your experience as you might develop some interest if you have hardware working.

The micro-controller on the Teensy 4.1 board is not currently supported by Klipper. I don’t know of anyone working on it.


Hi, can I have your email? Im currently trying to build a board that uses the teensy 4.1 as a 3d printer mcu too. Im interested in your work, we could help each other if you want to.

Hi Giova, you can email me @ blazini36@gmail.com