Timer too close shutdown on 1000mm+ moves

  1. The known reasons for this kind of error are described in Timer too close, but
  2. With your “rooting,” you might have introduced the error yourself, as it is not guaranteed that you can simply update to the latest Klipper and bring over the OEM changes. For a bit more detail on this, see 3D Printers with Preinstalled and Modified Klipper Versions.
  3. FORCE_MOVE STEPPER=extruder DISTANCE=1500 VELOCITY=150 ACCEL=250 does not seem like something that happens during printing. I did not test it, but it may well be that this command is blocking for so long that the host errors out.
  4. The MMU extensions are known to cause or at least contribute to TTC errors.

Overall, this means that with your setup and extensive modifications, you are pretty much on your own to diagnose and find the main contributors to this instability.