TM2209 motor drivers are very loud on Z axis

Basic Information:

Ender 5 Plus
Manta m8p v2
tm2209 drivers
klippy (18).log (143.6 KB)

Mantam8pEnder5plusconfig.txt (7.4 KB)

When I move my Z axis up or down, my printer makes a very loud noise and doesn’t always go the full distance down. I tried with stealthchop 99999 and it was a lot more high-pitched. I do have 2 z-axis motors so they could be contradicting, however, there isn’t a noise when traveling small lengths. Thank you!

kinematics = corexy
max_velocity = 300
max_accel = 4000
max_z_velocity = 15 # <-------------- Reduce to 8
max_z_accel = 350 # <---------------- Reduce to 120
square_corner_velocity = 5.0

Awesome thank you! If you don’t mind me asking, were they just to high? I got the overall outline of the configuration from someone else.

Yes. Lead-screw driven axes react very sensitive to high velocity and acceleration. Your values were definitely too high and thus the unexpected behavior.

Time for a ball screw upgrade! :smiley:

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