TMC: DRV_STATUS: 40110060 s2vsb=1(LowSideShort_B!) ola=1(OpenLoad_A!)

Updated to the latest version of Klipper. If earlier an error occurred during an attempt to execute procedures that involved BLTouch (for example, Z_TILT_ADJUST), now errors associated with TMC drivers are popping up. It became simply impossible to print.


This seems unrelated to the trsync_state topic → moved to an own topic.
From the error message a cabling problem could be the cause.

Perhaps you would be right if this error did not appear immediately after updating Klipper! And as if in the console it says “Unable to obtain‘ trsync_state ’response” in plain text… so imho you’re wrong

The “unable to obtain … response” is unrelated to the root cause of the issue - that error message just indicates normal communication ended with the micro-controller (because the micro-controller had a separate issue).

The root cause of your issue is a “TMC reports error” problem - the cause and common fixes are documented at:–error.

You may also wish to try completely disabling stealthchop mode as that can often cause subtle issues like this.
