Tmc5160 gtr v1.0 triple z issue

hello all I’m trying to use 3 z lead for gtr v1.0 I’m getting this error.

Unable to write tmc spi ‘stepper_z1’ register GLOBALSCALER


step_pin: PD6

dir_pin: PD5

enable_pin: !PD7

microsteps: 16

rotation_distance: 2

full_steps_per_rotation: 200

[tmc5160 stepper_z1]

cs_pin: PD4

sense_resistor: 0.075

interpolate: True

run_current: 0.800

hold_current: 0.500

stealthchop_threshold: 0

spi_software_mosi_pin: PG15

spi_software_miso_pin: PB6

spi_software_sclk_pin: PB3


Does it Work with stealthchop active?
Whats your supply voltage? The tmc 5160 seems to be really sensitive on its initial settings…
Have the 3 steppers own drivers or are they parallel or in row on one driver?

Hi @Motlow,

Please don’t guess on possible causes of an issue. It increases confusion and leads to lost time troubleshooting. If you know the root cause of an issue, feel free to post - if you don’t know, it’s fine to leave the post unanswered until someone does know.


A Unable to write tmc spi ‘stepper_z1’ register error is typically the result of incorrect wiring, incorrect configuration, or lack of motor power - see:–errors


Hello I found the problem. I did not have the steppers plugged in. I was just seeing if the config information was right. Once I plugged the steppers into their respective area everything works as it should. Sorry for the waste of time. Thank y’all for helping.