Basic Information:
Printer Model: Ender 5 Plus
MCU / Printerboard: BTT SKR 3 EZ
Host / SBC: Raspberry Pi 4
klippy.log (57.9 KB)
(Please ignore the error messages about the BLTouch and the extruder driver UART; I’m still waiting on some parts.)
Describe your issue:
I’m in the middle of upgrading my Ender 5 Plus with a new motherboard, and using Klipper firmware instead of Marlin. As part of this, I thought I’d move the Neopixel strip I’ve been using as a light bar/status indicator over to being controlled directly off the MCU, rather than being controlled indirectly via OctoPrint->MQTT->Home Assistant->custom board.
Unfortunately, while I can get them to light up with the SET_LED command, doing a SET_LED to any particular color, e.g.
SET_LED LED=light_bar RED=1.0 GREEN=0.0 BLUE=0.0 WHITE=0.0
causes all the LEDs to light up in a repeating sequence of different colors. The first LED lights up in the correct color, but the others do not.
The Neopixels I’m using are Adafruit SK6812s, a string of 15. which is how I previously had them configured in ESPHome, where they worked perfectly (and still do if I plug them back into my old board). In my printer.cfg, I have them configured like this:
[neopixel light_bar]
pin: PE6
chain_count: 15
color_order: GRBW
which seems to be correct to me, but which isn’t working. I was initially wondering if it was a config error, as I had similar problems with Neopixels in the past when I didn’t configure the variant correctly.
Anyone else seen this issue, or have any thoughts on it?
Thanks in advance,