Unable to flash klipper on EBB42 using CAN

Sorry, I have to apologize. I just had a very quick look at the Pad7 schematics yesterday. Didn’t see it uses an MCP2515.

It is possible to use an MCP2515 with Klipper, but I wouldn’t suggest to try! You won’t get any support here.

Please forget my advice to open an issue here GitHub - Arksine/katapult: Configurable bootloader for Klipper. I would close it!
Katapult doesn’t support MCP2515. CandleLight_fw doesn’t support MCP2515. Therefore, KLipper doesn’t support MCP2515.

You also might read Experimental "USB to CANbus bridge" mode and CANBUS - Klipper documentation.

I suggest an U2C from BTT GitHub - bigtreetech/U2C. Make sure it has an STM32G0B1 on board!!!
I’m still dreaming of CAN FD support. With that MCU on board of an U2C, it will be possible to go for CAN FD.