Hi guys,
I have running klipper for a while now on EBB36.
Today I wanted to update the board, so it is in sync again with my Raspi and
Arduino based board. However, upgrading via CAN always fails.
# stop klipper to avoid interference on CAN
$> sudo systemctl stop klipper
# flash firmware
$> ~/CanBoot/scripts/flash_can.py -i can0 -f ~/klipper/out/klipper.bin -u f3e651546187
Flashing CAN UUID f3e651546187 on interface can0
Sending bootloader jump command...
Resetting all bootloader node IDs...
Attempting to connect to bootloader
ERROR:root:Flash Error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/pi/CanBoot/scripts/flash_can.py", line 499, in run
await flasher.connect_btl()
File "/home/pi/CanBoot/scripts/flash_can.py", line 99, in connect_btl
ret = await self.send_command('CONNECT')
File "/home/pi/CanBoot/scripts/flash_can.py", line 216, in send_command
raise FlashError("Error sending command [%s] to Device" % (cmdname))
FlashError: Error sending command [CONNECT] to Device
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/pi/CanBoot/scripts/flash_can.py", line 661, in main
await sock.run(intf, uuid, fpath, req_only)
File "/home/pi/CanBoot/scripts/flash_can.py", line 507, in run
await flasher.finish()
File "/home/pi/CanBoot/scripts/flash_can.py", line 295, in finish
await self.send_command("COMPLETE")
File "/home/pi/CanBoot/scripts/flash_can.py", line 216, in send_command
raise FlashError("Error sending command [%s] to Device" % (cmdname))
FlashError: Error sending command [COMPLETE] to Device
Then I tried to update CanBoot to see if this could help. But I also fail to
set the EBB36 to DFU mode, so that I can update it via USB. Initially, I had CAN
and USB connected when setting the USB jumper. Can this fry the USB chip? What
ever I tried with the usual boot/reset button, the USB device does not appear.
Still, klipper can connect to the board using the given UUID, so in general it
works, only updating is not possible. Any ideas?