Unable to Home Z axis "no active tool probe"

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Voron 2.4
MCU / Printerboard:BTT Manta M8P
Host / SBC

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Describe your issue:

Hello there,

i rencently finished my Voron 2.4 and got it working.
Next step is a toolchanger version as seen from creator “viesturz”,
tapchanger and his github.

I copied some of his code and also modified some, because with a pure copy i got some problems, i think becaus of modifications on his printer, that i dont have.

But the issue now is, i cant home Z axis anymore, endstops-check also not possible.
In my previous working Config i had a [probe] section with defined probe pin (optical sensor via EBB36 board) like this:


pin: ^T0: PB9

but now it says “Option ‘pin’ is not valid in section ‘probe’”

there is now a section [toolprobe_T0] and [toolprobe_T1] (that i copied from viesturz config) but i guess i need to tell the system that probe is now within toolprobe_T0. But nowhere in any file i can identifiy anything like this to include in my .cfg

I hope u can understand the problem.
Thank u for reading this and greetings,
klippy (10).log (159.3 KB)

Hello @SpankySummers !

First, let’s get @Viesturz into the boat.

You maybe have to tell Klipper what the active tool/probe is.


We do that on IDEX printers.


thanks for your reply, the toolprobe was already active, that wasnt the issue.
But your idea got me in the right direction and i got it solved.

The active toolhead is identified via the NOT triggered z-endstop and since i only got one (didnt think i need endstops on the other tools) the active tool could not be determined. (no sensor on second toolhead made it look like not triggered also)
i could make it work with shorting the pins on second toolhead, making it think it is triggered. another opto-tap is ordered.

Thank you EddyMI3D for the input, if not already clear i have no programming background and am just tinkering around with code i see.
Thats why i am very thankful of all the information out there from so many talented people that are also willing to share and help.

I will mark this post as solved, since the missing probe is the issue. But im also pretty sure this wasn’t my last question :wink:

Grettings, Niko


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