Unable to read tmc uart register IFCNT

If you go through the discussion last week regarding how to connect the UART of the TMC2209, you’ll see that only one wire is required to communicate with the chip or TWO wires if there is a 1k resistor between them.

Looking at the images above, your wiring doesn’t follow either of those schemes - I’m not surprised as you left the conversation with a statement that gave me feeling that you didn’t understand what had been discussed.

Can I suggest that you comment out the “tx_pin:” line of your printer.cfg and go with one wire connected to pin 4 (“TX”) on the TMC2209 module. You might also want to add “uart_address: 0” to the “[tmc2209 manual_stepper my_stepper]” statement in your printer.cfg.

All your “MS#” pins (these are pins 2 & 3 of the TMC2209 module) should NOT BE DRIVEN in any way. They have internal pull downs and will give you the default UART address 0. Now, I don’t know what is the stepper module carrier board you’re using, but I would suggest that you start with the two switches “off”.

Your graphic drawing of your circuit is basically illegible and I can’t find the stepper module carrier that you are using with a simple Google search. Could you provide a higher resolution drawing where all the labeling is legible along with a link to the board’s information and schematic?