Unable to read tmc uart 'stepper_xyz' register IFCNT

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Voron V0
MCU / Printerboard: BTT Pico

klippy.log (2.3 MB)

…Hi, I upgraded klipper from v0.11.0-205-g5f0d252b to v0.11.0-241-gffb5105b, so I had to update the firmware as well. since then I keep getting “Unable to read tmc uart ‘stepper_#’ register IFCNT” errors, different times on x times on y times on z . and sometimes a
Unable to read tmc uart ‘stepper_x’ register MSCNT. I am now back to v0.11.0-205-g5f0d252b and everything is fine again, my board is a BTT Pico, is this a bug or do I need to adjust the config? I only have the problem on the pico. I have two other vorons running octopus and octopus pro, I do not get the errors with the v0.11.0-241-gffb5105b.

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I’m not sure if it is related, but you may want to check the thread at Possible bug in recent commit
