"Unknown pin chip name 'probe'"

So I’m trying to set up my ender 3 with klipper using an skr 2 (because apparantly I need to rewire the screen to get it to work so screw that). Upon setting up the config things for the fake BLtouch I get this:


I have found like 4 other posts on the internet of people having the same problem and it magically fixing itself or something, so I have no clue what’s wrong. If anyone knows or sees something that can help please let me know :smiley:

klippy.log (381.2 KB)
printer (1).cfg (5.7 KB)

Hello @ginowup !

If you use probe:

step_pin: PA15
dir_pin: PA8
enable_pin: !PD1
microsteps: 16
rotation_distance: 40.2010050251
endstop_pin: probe:z_virtual_endstop  ;<----
#endstop_pin: ^PC0
#position_endstop: 0.5
position_max: 300

You have to use a probe like BLtouch or similar.
Else you have to set the z endstop switch pin here.

I’m not sure what you mean because I am using a BLtouch clone

Maybe, but there is no BLtouch section in the printer.cfg.




did you even read the config file? it is litterally the second section

Section headers are case sensitive. You have [BLtouch]. Needs to be [bltouch]

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oooooh thank you so much!

Sorry, I’ve overseen it.
I usually put it after the stepper sections.

fair enough, it happens thanks for taking a look anyway!

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