Verify heater_bed config problem

Basic Information:

Printer Model: i3Rs32 ( French copy of prusa mk3)
MCU / Printerboard: BTT Skr V1.4 then SKR 3

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Describe your issue:

My printer can print pla filament without problem but since i’m trying to print ABS and therefore pushing the bed up to 100°C i keep having trouble with the verify heater_bed.
If i’m posting this thread is because i think it is a klipper configuration problem because here is what i’ve done already
At first i’ve change my cables bed, then the thermistance. still the same error,
So i add the verify heater section to my printer.cfg with less restrictive parameter check gain time to 240 & heating gain 1 instead of 2
After i’ve upgarde my bed from a 120 W to a 200W one , still the same error,
Then i’ve read that it could come from the mosfet of my skr v1.4, so i’ve change it with a skr 3 , it is heating up faster so i dont regret my upgrades but i have still the same error.
There is a strange thing when the print start at approx 3% of the print the printer is heating the bed (100%) but the temperature is dropping down as if the bed were no longer powered and then the verify heater alarm shut down everything .
I have to tell that i’ve made the new PID for the heater bed at the desiring temperature (105°C)
I ve thought of changing the power supply (240w only) to a better one because maybe it could come from a lack of amps but i wanted to check with you if it can be a error in the klipper setting.

klippy (5).log (4.3 MB)
printer.cfg (9.0 KB)

Under the assumption that you did perform a PID tune on the bed with your changes then most likely your power supply unit is quite undersized

  • Bed 200W
  • Extruder 40W or more
  • Motor drivers would like to have some power as well

It seems strange that your PSU did not go into an overcurrent shutdown killing the entire system. Maybe it will just start burning :person_shrugging: :innocent:

That’s what i thought , i did perform a PID with the new bed and as i was writing my post i went to see the power of my PSU and understand that it is power undersized ! i’ll get a new one and hope my problem will disappear ! thank you for your input.

Extremely off topic, but story time…

One time when I was a young and stupid teenager, back when home surround sound was a relatively new thing, I had gotten my first setup going (horrible by any standards but I was a broke kid).

Anyways, It didn’t come with a subwoofer but it had a sub out. I happened to have an old subwoofer amp and a sub. But it was made for a car and needed something like 12V@15A.

This was back before you could buy a 20 amp SMPS off Amazon for $20, everything was linear power supplies back then with a massive transformer and they were EXPENSIVE.

But I DID have some old Computer PSUs laying around and they were rated for 12V@10A.

So brilliant me decides, I’ll just wire them in parallel and get 12V@20A. Got out the soldering iron and blobbed together the two bundles of 12V and Ground wires. Hooked it all up and…

It actually worked! I thought I was the coolest kid on the block and brilliant.
It was chugging away sitting on my bedroom floor and I was happy as can be.

That lasted about 3 mins before the switching MOSFET catastrophically died. I heard “tick… tick tick” and was like “wha…?” before WOOSH. MOSFET caught fire and I briefly panicked before it put itself out. Thank god.

That’s the day I learned about load balancing.

Related video for anyone who has never seen a MOSFET die in a horrible way.

Note: My flame was MUCH bigger. It might have taken something flammable on the board with it. Probably the foam/glue they use to keep components from vibrating.

Hello, so i’ve just changed my PSU to a 480W so it can be more powerful due to my specs, but unfirtunately i have still a verify heater error here my last klippy.log

Do you have any idea ?

klippy.log (240.4 KB)

The attached log does not show any errors, but if the error persists then likely something is at fault with:

  • your bed
  • the wiring
  • the MOSFET on the board

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