What is MZV short of?

I’ve found lot of information about other shapers but for some reason I can’t figure out what MZV is short of. Is it Unity Magnitude Zero Vibration (UMZV), Modified Input Shaping Zero Vibration (MISZV) or completely something else?

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Lets call it magnitude zero vibration.

Good question, actually.
When researching about this topic, I came across:

  • ZV: Zero Vibration
  • ZVD: Zero Vibration and Derivative
  • EI: Extra-Insensitive (sometimes also called Extra Intensive)
  • MIS: Modified Input Shaping
  • SNA: Specified Negative Amplitude
  • UMZV: Unity Magnitude Zero Vibration

But never found any reference to MZV.

Magical? Marvelous? Miraculous? Maniac? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

TBH, I did not spend too much time, since this “slightly” exceeded my mathematical understanding, anyway, so all my clever proposals above would fit for me personally.

Maybe @dmbutyugin can shed some light into it.


See my post above.
This suits well to your UMZV.

Actually without any reference I do not want to speculate.

There are papers that talk about a MODIFIED ZERO TIME DELAY INPUT SHAPING or a modified zero vibration (ZV) input shaping technique or a MISZV (modified input shaping zero vibration)

I’ll stick to “Magical” unless someone know better :wink:

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Thank you for your answers and discussion.

@LifeOfBrian I really would like to know where did you got the name magnitude zero vibration? I’ve seen ALL3DP calling it that but nothing else. I also don’t find any research papers on magnitude zero vibration only about UMZV.

@Sineos I guess I should just try to go through the equations and see if some of them match the klipper MZV shaper. MIS seems the most promising candidate for me, magical is close second.

Maybe it is Multiple Zeta Values as used in the Riemann Zeta Function? Maybe this analysis tool is used in input shaping?

This is all hypothetical of course. I haven’t done math like this for over 50 years, and it now just so much gobbledygook to me.

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Yeah I have it from All3DP but think there once was a table with those popular shapers and there whole names.
However I don’t find it any more.

MZV was created by Dmitry (dmbutyugin) for 3d printers. He discussed this briefly on Discord last year.

When he was asked “Oh, and by the way, is MZV your shaper? I have not found that particular set of times and factors in the literature”, Dmitry responded:

Yes, but there’s no magic in it. The way it’s constructed is as follows. There are generic formulae for ZV shaper of arbitrary duration (not just half a period). They are usually used to construct ‘negative’ ZV input shaper of a length shorter than half a period, but they are valid for any duration. In fact, for shaper length == period, these formulae give ZVD :slightly_smiling_face: I basically wanted something in between ZV and ZVD - ZV is too sensitive to determining the resonance frequency precisely, and ZVD gives too much smoothing. So I put shaper length == 3/4 period into those formulae and got ‘MZV’, with M standing, perhaps, for modified-ZV.
You can find the corresponding formulae for example here:

Hope this helps,


Perhaps we need a Knowledge Base Glossary page listing all the names of Input Shapers? It seems that the experts in the field know their terms so well that none ever explain what they mean - assuming that others in the field already know. Not much good for people who just want to select an option for their printer.

I have looked through several dozen papers and so far I still haven’t found an explanation for all the different abbreviations.
What I have found so far:

EI              Extra-Insensitive
ETM             Equal (shaping)Time & Magnitudes
MZV             Modified? Zero Vibration
MISZV           M? Input Shaping? Zero Vibration
NMe             Negative Equal Magnitude / Negative Magnitude (equal)
SD              Specified Duration
SI              Specified Insensitivity
THEI1           Two Hump Extra-Insensitive
THEI2           Two Hump Extra-Insensitive2
THEI5           Two Hump Extra-Insensitive5
ZV              Zero Vibration
ZVD             Zero Vibration Derivative
ZVDD(ZVD²)      Zero Vibration Derivative Derivative 
ZVDDD(ZVD³)     Zero Vibration Derivative Derivative Derivative 
UEI1            U? Extra-Insensitive
UTHEI1          U? Two Hump EI
UTHEI2          U? Two Hump EI2
UTHEI5          U? Two Hump EI5

Actually, apart from the “scientific interest”, I do not see any practical use:

  • Klipper is not supporting most of the shapers you listed
  • In the end they could be named MickyMouse1 to MickyMouse25 as you do not select them by a cool name but according to the needs of the resonance spectrum as measured by the IMU or as tested by a test print
  • 99.99% of the users (including me) do not understand the difference between ZV and MZV etc. or are able to assess, which to use when

OK I could delete it. It just thought others may be curious as to the meanings of option in their configs.

@koconnor Thank you very much!

Do you think it would make sense to add some mention about MZV in the Resonance Compensation Input shaping section near following phrase?

Input shapers used in Klipper are rather standard, and one can find more in-depth overview in the articles describing the corresponding shapers.

I added some information here: Interpreting the Input Shaper Graphs


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