Why my pringer printing everything image?

step_pin: PF13
dir_pin: !PF12
enable_pin: !PF14
microsteps: 64
rotation_distance: 32
full_steps_per_rotation: 200
endstop_pin: !PG6
position_endstop: -18
position_max: 317
position_min: -20
homing_speed: 120
homing_retract_dist: 5
homing_positive_dir: false #if using true choice it will say No trigger on x after full movement y stepper too

[tmc2209 stepper_x]
sense_resistor: 0.110
stealthchop_threshold: 999999

step_pin: PG0
dir_pin: PG1
enable_pin: !PF15
endstop_pin: !PG9
microsteps: 64
rotation_distance: 32
full_steps_per_rotation: 200
position_endstop: -22
position_min: -22.3
position_max: 350
homing_speed: 60
homing_positive_dir: false

i have try to change x and y motors line but its no use

Hello @cjh !

Can you explain this a bit more exactly?

just like this

It seems the direction of the x-axis or the y-axes is inverted:

Which one it is, is hard to tell.

You can invert the direction by putting/removing a ! in front of the pin in the line that starts with dir_pin:

Pay attention that you may have to change homing_positive_dir: from false to true.

BTW: What printer do you use?

but homing_positive_dir change to true it will report errors kile this full movement y stepper

It would be much more help full to know

my printer is blv mgn

Have you tried the config file here?

Take care: It looks very different to your snippet.

But it may help you on the way.