WiFi setup Raspberry Pi4

Basic Information:

No printer yet, Soon to be Anycubic Vyper
MCU / Printerboard:
Host / SBC

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Describe your issue:

I am just starting to setup the Berry Pie. I am trying to setup the WiFi part. I have read, copy, pasted, added, deleted, read some more, copied, deleted, added. So here I am.

I have this in the wpa_supplicant.conf in the boot partition. I am sure it is something simple I have not done. I am the biggest problem with all of these things.

ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev

WPA/WPA2 secured

scan_ssid=1 # Used to find hidden SSID’s

I have tried.

scan_ssid=1 # Used to find hidden SSID’s

scan_ssid=1 # Used to find hidden SSID’s

I do not see any attempt to access my router? I have the interface open, can see if anything access the router, I can turn off a device, turn it back on it shows up in the list. The Berry Pi does not show up?

In reading the attached screen, I see it start the file, then lists it as OK in green, show network OK in green, yet I cannot tell it has actually turned on the WiFi.



First off, when putting in a listing, use the Preformatted Text option:


Now, how did you image the SD Card? If you used the Raspberry Pi Imager, you can set the WiFi to connect to as well as a specific user:


Thank you good Sir. In all the reading I did, I did not see that listed as a way to configure the WiFi.

I did not know about the text editor. I will use that going forward. It will make it easier to read my cries for help.

It took me about 6 minutes, open the imager, select the firmware, location, edit the settings, save, put the micro SD card in, boot, reboot, reboot, see it show in the list on my router, login. Worked fantastic.

That is until I changed things. I wanted to change the name, then I got security warnings. SSH errors and all that comes with it. I could not get it to let me login. I tried to put it back, nope, tried to do a few other things. Then I read the whole warning. I had to go to c:\users\username\ssh delete the the only one there. Then I put it all back to the way it was the first time. Logged it.

I do try to find the answers before posting, the answer is out there. Some one some place has all ready done this. I tried a few different search names, types, places. Non came up with anything other than the wpa_supplicant. conf file.

Thank you.


It sounds like you fixed it yourself - I wouldn’t recommend deleting the whole known-hosts.txt file, just edit it and remove the host that you had previously. Then when you try and login again you’ll be asked if it is a legitimate host, you say “yes” and you can move onwards.

Do you have any other questions? If so, please provide as much information as possible.

This will be used to control an Anycubic Vyper. As I am tearing down my printer table, printers to rearrange them to make better use of the space I have. As I get to the point of connecting this to the Vyper, I am sure I will have plenty of questions. I read other thread, forums, blogs on how they did their upgrades.

I am grateful for your guidance. I am looking forward to all that I will learn. Life is boring without a challenge.

Thank you.
