X axis carriage stuck

I have pasted my config and the logs on pastebin due to new user link limitation.

Please search # CONFIG START and # CONFIG END to find start and end of config file, and # LOG START and LOG END to find start and end of log file.

However, do note that the provided config file uses a different shaper (but otherwise the config is identical):

conanap@octopi:~ $ diff printer.cfg buggy.cfg 
< shaper_freq_x: 50
< shaper_type_x: mzv
> shaper_freq_x: 73.6
> shaper_type_x: 2hump_ei

I have an Ender 3 Pro with Speeddrive mod (please search on Thingiverse; I am not allowed to post more than 2 links as a new user), which I slightly modified myself to mount an ADXL. I use a Raspberry Pi 4 to host Octopi, and the original board is used with Klipper installed. I also have a CR Touch installed on the carriage.

I have noticed that, intermittently, the x-axis would fail to move all the way to the left, and not trigger the end stopper. I’ve included a video of what this looks like with G28 X command (home X axis only): Imgur link.

I’m not sure why this happens. When I turn the motors off using the Octoprint UI, I am able to easily move it all the way to the left and trigger the end stopper.

For those who aren’t familiar with the speeddrive mod, it reduces the print area in the X axis on both sides by about 10mm, hence the reduced print size, and the position_max: 210 (just to be safe, I gave it an extra 5mm margin) setting under [stepper_x].

This issue originally only appeared, consistently, with shaper_type_x: 2hump_ei (accompanying a myriad of other issues that I won’t get into in this specific post - I haven’t been able to gather logs yet for that issue, and I will open another discusison when I am able to), but have since also appeared with shaper_type_x: zv, albeit intermittently now on both types of shaper.

I’ve physically checked to ensure nothing is blocking the carriage from moving all the way left (despite the cables looking like they are), and as I’ve mentioned above, turning off the motor still allows me to manually move the carriage all the way to the x end stopper without needing much force.

I would appreciate any help and feedback. Please let me know if there are additional information I can provide. Thanks!

Sorry, I do not pastebin.

But obviously it stuck with all the lose cables behind the carriage. You can hear the stepper skipping. You may get the cables out of the way and increase the stepper current a bit.

But I have a quite different question:

I noticed you changed the user name in OctoPi. This is not recommended. So I’m wondering that its runs.

From the OctoPi download site:

I’ll tie up the cables better and hopefully it doesn’t catch on that - but yeah, didn’t think it was the wires as I was able to turn the motor off and just very gently move the carriage to the end of the axis.

Hm I’m not too sure what you meant by your question. I changed it since I am comfortable using linux and I work as a software developer; I just have to change the user name / directory of a few commands when setting up, no biggie.

Over ta the OctoPrint forum we have users that changed from pi to another username and have not been able to start OctoPrint. This is because of the dependencies inside the package.

Yes, because of your additional changes it works. Well done.

Ah okay I see, I can definitely understand why it’s not recommended for people to change it. Glad it worked out for me though! Ahaha

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