Z movement is doubled

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Ender 3
MCU / Printerboard: mks sgenl v2
Host / SBC
klippy.log klippy (1).log (3.1 MB)

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Describe your issue:

my z stepper is moving 2x the amount it should. this results in prints that look like the picture. clicking “move 25 up” in mainsail moves the nozzle 5cm up.

i tried changing the rotation distance but it just dug itself into the print.

Then you should halve the rotation_distance in the stepper_z section:
rotation_distance = 4

thanks i think i found the problem.
i tried 4 before but the extruder setting was wrong, i misunderstood the klipper guide and put a smaller number instead of a bigger number to decrease the feeding speed.

im printing right now an so far it looks promising.

The extruder has nothing to do with your z height!
It might overextrude and cause coarse and fat layers but the overall height stays the same.

If you command Z to move 25 mm and it moves 50 then the rotation distance is wrong:
it moves 8 mm per rotation when it should only 4.
As you do not use full_steps_per_rotation or gear_ratio there is no other setting.

However as you do not have any TMC section and require jumper settings maybe the microsteps value do not fit to the jumpered setting?!

in this case it kind of had but also kind of didnt.
due to the reduces layer height i had insane over extrusion but with help from the discord i figured out what the core of the problem is, i didnt use the uart mode right, now every thing works as intended.

So, what is the solution? Everybody is interested :wink:

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i didnt realize that i had to uncomment the tmc2209 settings, so i did that.
incredible, right? :wink:

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