My probe values increase each probe just like this guy: Probe accuracy: always higher z? · Issue #2509 · Klipper3d/klipper · GitHub
I tried adjusting the z tilt position, motor current, microsteps, interpolate true/false, and many other things, but the only way I got the printer to give me a proper bed leveling mesh, and not have increasing probe values was to increase the tolerance on the bltouch and z tilt to 0.00001.
klippy(4).zip (962.2 KB)
Here are some probe accuracy tests with different tolerance values to show how it increases with each probe:
Tolerance set to .0025 on bltouch and z tilt:
14:41:58 // probe accuracy results: maximum 1.462500, minimum 1.427500, range 0.035000, average 1.448687, median 1.450000, standard deviation 0.010922
14:41:58 // probe at 249.987,200.000 is z=1.460000
14:41:54 // probe at 249.987,200.000 is z=1.461250
14:41:50 // probe at 249.987,200.000 is z=1.457500
14:41:46 // probe at 249.987,200.000 is z=1.460000
14:41:42 // probe at 249.987,200.000 is z=1.462500
14:41:38 // probe at 249.987,200.000 is z=1.455000
14:41:34 // probe at 249.987,200.000 is z=1.458750
14:41:30 // probe at 249.987,200.000 is z=1.458750
14:41:26 // probe at 249.987,200.000 is z=1.455000
14:41:22 // probe at 249.987,200.000 is z=1.451250
14:41:18 // probe at 249.987,200.000 is z=1.447500
14:41:14 // probe at 249.987,200.000 is z=1.448750
14:41:10 // probe at 249.987,200.000 is z=1.446250
14:41:06 // probe at 249.987,200.000 is z=1.448750
14:41:03 // probe at 249.987,200.000 is z=1.437500
14:40:59 // probe at 249.987,200.000 is z=1.436250
14:40:55 // probe at 249.987,200.000 is z=1.436250
14:40:51 // probe at 249.987,200.000 is z=1.432500
14:40:47 // probe at 249.987,200.000 is z=1.432500
14:40:43 // probe at 249.987,200.000 is z=1.427500
14:40:31 // PROBE_ACCURACY at X:249.988 Y:200.000 Z:11.400 (samples=20 retract=2.000 speed=1.0 lift_speed=15.0)
14:40:31 $ PROBE_ACCURACY samples=20
Tolerance set to .0001 on bltouch and z tilt:
14:32:34 // probe accuracy results: maximum 1.420000, minimum 1.407500, range 0.012500, average 1.412750, median 1.412500, standard deviation 0.003000
14:32:34 // probe at 249.987,199.987 is z=1.420000
14:32:30 // probe at 249.987,199.987 is z=1.417500
14:32:26 // probe at 249.987,199.987 is z=1.415000
14:32:22 // probe at 249.987,199.987 is z=1.415000
14:32:18 // probe at 249.987,199.987 is z=1.415000
14:32:14 // probe at 249.987,199.987 is z=1.412500
14:32:10 // probe at 249.987,199.987 is z=1.415000
14:32:06 // probe at 249.987,199.987 is z=1.412500
14:32:02 // probe at 249.987,199.987 is z=1.415000
14:31:59 // probe at 249.987,199.987 is z=1.412500
14:31:55 // probe at 249.987,199.987 is z=1.412500
14:31:51 // probe at 249.987,199.987 is z=1.412500
14:31:47 // probe at 249.987,199.987 is z=1.411250
14:31:43 // probe at 249.987,199.987 is z=1.410000
14:31:39 // probe at 249.987,199.987 is z=1.412500
14:31:35 // probe at 249.987,199.987 is z=1.411250
14:31:31 // probe at 249.987,199.987 is z=1.410000
14:31:27 // probe at 249.987,199.987 is z=1.408750
14:31:23 // probe at 249.987,199.987 is z=1.408750
14:31:19 // probe at 249.987,199.987 is z=1.407500
14:31:07 // PROBE_ACCURACY at X:249.988 Y:199.988 Z:11.400 (samples=20 retract=2.000 speed=1.0 lift_speed=15.0)
14:31:07 $ PROBE_ACCURACY samples=20
Tolerance set to .00001 on bltouch and z tilt:
14:38:16 // probe accuracy results: maximum 1.398750, minimum 1.377500, range 0.021250, average 1.382875, median 1.381250, standard deviation 0.005334
14:38:16 // probe at 250.000,200.000 is z=1.380000
14:38:12 // probe at 250.000,200.000 is z=1.378750
14:38:08 // probe at 250.000,200.000 is z=1.377500
14:38:04 // probe at 250.000,200.000 is z=1.378750
14:38:00 // probe at 250.000,200.000 is z=1.378750
14:37:56 // probe at 250.000,200.000 is z=1.382500
14:37:52 // probe at 250.000,200.000 is z=1.380000
14:37:48 // probe at 250.000,200.000 is z=1.380000
14:37:44 // probe at 250.000,200.000 is z=1.381250
14:37:40 // probe at 250.000,200.000 is z=1.382500
14:37:36 // probe at 250.000,200.000 is z=1.378750
14:37:32 // probe at 250.000,200.000 is z=1.382500
14:37:28 // probe at 250.000,200.000 is z=1.380000
14:37:25 // probe at 250.000,200.000 is z=1.383750
14:37:21 // probe at 250.000,200.000 is z=1.381250
14:37:17 // probe at 250.000,200.000 is z=1.383750
14:37:13 // probe at 250.000,200.000 is z=1.386250
14:37:09 // probe at 250.000,200.000 is z=1.387500
14:37:05 // probe at 250.000,200.000 is z=1.395000
14:37:01 // probe at 250.000,200.000 is z=1.398750
14:36:49 // PROBE_ACCURACY at X:250.000 Y:200.000 Z:11.400 (samples=20 retract=2.000 speed=1.0 lift_speed=15.0)
14:36:49 $ PROBE_ACCURACY samples=20