ABS overextrudes bottom 2mm at default flows, underextrudes above that

This happens with Cura and Prusa slicers so I’m assuming it’s Klipper or the printer somehow.

Expectation: even flow rates throughout the print.
Result: approximately 50% overextrusion for the bottom 2mm of the print (regardless of layer height)

Workaround: If I set flow to 40% for the first 2mm worth of layers in Cura, then manually change flow to 110% precisely at the layer after 2mm, I can get a reasonably shaped print.

What on earth could be causing this?

Ender-3 in a Lack enclosure. BMG / V6 Hydra printing on glass with glue.

Z axis rotation is odd on this one also. To get a dimensionally accurate test cube I had to use 7.5 rotation distance. I know that “breaks the rules” but I’m not sure how to compensate for that issue otherwise.

Are you using bed_mesh with fade enabled? It would be helpful to see a log file.