Adding adxl345 to printer.cfg fails

After looking all around the klipper forums and doing everything again and again I am officially stuck.
So I am making this thread here and on the klippers reddit.

I am running Klipper together with octo print.
I have a Ender 3 with a 4.2.7 silent board + bltouch + double z screws

I got to the point of having 2 working MCU’s. It didnt work before because of an older version of klipper.
Now I have the latest klipper version: v0.10.0-173-gbea20278
I did all the things in the documentation about 3 times. And also made sure I was working as a root user.

Now I reached the point of adding the ADXL345 tab to my printer.cfg.

Sadly the moment I add that tab to my cfg. klipper doesnt want to go back to the ready state. removing the tab fixes it. But i want to use my adxl to fine tune resonace.

Does anyone know why adding one tab breaks the whole config?
And did anyone have this issue

klippy.log (63.8 KB)
printer.cfg (7.9 KB)

The reddit post I made:

the suspected cause is a sd card issue as stated in this reddit post:
Thread in question:

Why do you have the adxl section at the End and at the Start?

One was commented and one was used. someone told me to move the tab. I taught it was the sd card but I think I know the real reason. Some LCD Driver installers enable a few things that block spi from enabling. so after I installed my lcd drivers and klipper scree. My mainsail gave the same error as octoprint cant open spi or something like that. commenting evcerything in the /boot/confi/ except for the spi part should fix it for the moment I use a accelerometer