Adjust Max printing Feedrate?

Basic Information:

Printer Model: QIDI PLUS4
MCU / Printerboard: ?
Host / SBC ?
klippy.log FILE WAS TOO BIG?

Describe your issue:

The touch screen will only let me adjust the Federate to a max of 150%. I like to run at 250% for quick prototype test fit prints. Would I adjust max_velocity, if so, is there a calculation so I know what the percentage would be?

I have not been able to continue my klipper knowledge for the past year due to a medical issue. Most of my new knowledge I learned back then needs refreshing.

max_velocity: 600
max_accel: 20000
max_accel_to_decel: 10000
max_z_velocity: 20
max_z_accel: 500
square_corner_velocity: 8

Thank you,