Z_TILT_ADJUST z feedrate exceeds max_z_velocity

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Twotrees Sapphire plus v1.1
MCU / Printerboard: MKS robin nano 1.2 / rpi 3b+
klippy.log (248.6 KB)

Describe your issue:

The start of the Z_TILT_ADJUST movement moves the bed by the specified amount in the config file just fine, but it seems to do it at a higher feedrate than the max_z_velocity established in my config.

I can only replicate the noise and speed of the first z move that Z_TILT_ADJUST performs by setting the max speed of the z to 250mm/s

I don’t know how to get that limited so that it’s not shaking my printer like crazy but I couldn’t open an issue.

Maybe being able to set that speed would be fine? The movement speed of the adjustments is fine so I don’t really understand what’s going on

Hello @Pastitas !

Sure it is faster:

speed = 80



Okay, yeah, my fault :rofl: Totally missed it, Thanks @EddyMI3D !

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@EddyMI3D Actually lowering the number in that section didn’t seem to have an effect on the first move of the z tilt macro, only for the measurements.

I had another look on the klippy.log.

There a lots of macros that modify the speeds, at least two of them the travel Z speed:

  • [gcode_macro _park_inner]
  • [gcode_macro resume]

There are a lot of dependencies with those macros.

Honestly: I keep my printer.cfg as slick as possible. Only those macros I need to make it work properly. The more you have, the more it can get unmanageable.

Okay, finally found some time to work on this, the issue still stands and is the same, I’ve removed all macros except for the ones from mainsail and still there’s a Z movement faster than 15mm/s (the max z speed set on the config) when lowering the bed for the first time for what seems is the clearance for the Z_TILT_ADJUST.

Updated klippy.log (89.3 KB)


  1. Call Z_TILT_ADJUST;
  2. Rapid (faster than 15mm/s) z movement lowers the bed;
  3. The first probing happens;
  4. The bed lowers at a normal (15mm/s or less) speed;
  5. Continues z tilt adjust with expected speeds and behaviour.