Z tilt issue: not following provided coordinates

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Seckit Tank V2
MCU / Printerboard: CB1 Manta m8p


Everytime i run z tilt it seems to screw up after the 2nd probe test and collides with x max. I checked the positions and they all look correct… Idk what to do.

klippy (6).log (1.5 MB)

printer (16).cfg (14.1 KB)

Video for reference

Have you already tried without this macro?

[gcode_macro Z_TILT_ADJUST]

also, there is an open line at the end of this:

[gcode_macro _dabSettings]
variable_debug = False
variable_is_x_homed = False
variable_is_y_homed = False
variable_is_z_homed = False
variable_is_locked = True
variable_coord_x_prep_unlock = 73.0
variable_coord_x_prep_lock = 101.0
variable_coord_y_prep = 391.0
variable_speed_movement = 150
variable_speed_lock_unlock = 60
variable_coord_x_safe_z_probe = 50.0
variable_coord_y_safe_z_probe = 350.0
variable_dist_y_collision_zone = 9.0
variable_dist_x_move_latch = 11.5
variable_bed_drop_after_z_home = 15.0
gcode = 

You may ask the author of the DAB stuff.

The points look fine so far and seem all to be within the printable/reachable area.
For me it looks like one motor does not spin causing a diagonal move out of the printable area.

Did you test the acceleration and speed before?
What happens if you command fast moves from left to right and vice versa with => 100 mm/s?
Can you remove the hold_current properties within the TMC sections? They do differ from X to Y.

I decided to disable the dabunlock/lock mechanism as that was causing an x shift… maybe the issue found in the z tilt is related.

After removing the hold current it didnt seem to make a difference.

Can you maybe test this and get back with the results?

can you provide gcode commands? It homes properly and moves from each edge of the build volume with no issue.

g0 commands aren’t working properly either. But I can move the gantry around by manually inputting coordinates in klipper… unfortunately can’t put in diagonal movements that way though.

I put the nozzle in the middle of the bed and ran g0 x100 y100 z50 twice with g91 and g90. Both times it moves x+ y-. I can’t explain this behavior

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