Anti BLTouch-crashing Macro

Hi, I need help with a macro I’m planning to write, since my knowledge and skill for that is still very limited, and I hope someone can help.

First, why I need this macro:
I have a BLTouch, which is mounted directly under my nozzle of my Delta printer, when needed.
It wasn’t the first time, I forgot about the BLtouch, and accidentally crashed it into the print bed and broke the probe, and I would like to avoid it to happen a third time ^^

I thought about using the test sequent of the BLTouch to check if the probe is connected, and put the printer into wait, if it is, until it’s removed.

But as noted, I have no idea how to write the macro for this.

I’m curious as to how this works/what is the workflow.

Do you disconnect it from the toolhead or does it do something like fold away? I presume that you don’t electrically disconnect it.

Why did you choose this approach? Normally a Z axis sensor is displaced in X/Y to avoid this type of problem.

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The probe is mounted directly under the nozzle x0 y0 because having it offset won’t allow me to probe the hole bed, this is a common practice with delta printers, as far as I know. So I do electrically disconnect it, the mounting is magnetic for quick mount and dismount.
I also don’t level my bed every time I start a print, I haven’t really needed it. I just do it occasionally, when needed.

After reading a few post online, for another approach, what I understood was that even reading a Pin, is not possible with Klipper macros. There were Ideas how to do it in another way, but way beyond my capability.
I guess I have to live with it, try my best not to forget and break my BLTouch again.

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