Bed leveling issue, slanted bed

Good morning, I have a delta printer, the FLSUN SR. I modified the entire effector by installing a Bambu hotend with a bowden extruder and a Klicky probe. The probe is mounted in a position further back compared to the original, so I had to adjust the y_offset (of the probe), mesh_radius, and mesh_origin in the printer.cfg. The modification seems to work since all the points are within the bed in the delta and bed leveling calibrations. I perform calibrations for the probe (z_offset), endstop, delta, and bed leveling. When printing a test for the first layer, I always get an uneven result. In the rear part of the model, the z_offset seems too low, while in the front part, it appears too high. Can you help me pinpoint the problem

I have done many tests, but the result is always more or less the same. I should specify that the bed is fixed and not adjustable

This is the best result; usually, there is even more difference

PLEASE do not delete the template and stick to it.
The klippy.log is essential for such issues.

Okay. I tried ignoring the y_offset of the probe and comparing the result with that of the off-center probe; the klippy.log file is related to the case with y_offset=0.
klippy.log (6.5 MB)

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