Printer Model: e3 s1 pro
MCU / Printerboard: klippy.log
Describe your issue:
hi all. ive been searching here,reddit and youtube but cant get any answer. my question is
how can be the right side height higher if all corners are even? im new to klipper also kinda new to 3d print. i do level corners manual then z offset then heightmap and save. when i print anything, right side is always much higher. distance from x gantry to bed and to base are even as well. is it about macro? i will post printer.cfg later but i would like to hear your ideas. thanks.
Well, I would not call “stating the obvious” to be sarcastic. Maybe I just read too often
“not a mechanical problem”
“I followed all instructions”
“It has to be a bug, because I know what I’m doing”
“I did not change anything (except installing a flux converter, 1000 macros and updating to an unknown version from somewhere over the rainbow) and now the crap stopped working”
This could lead to, let’s say, “concise” responses without too much “oh please would you be so kind to read and even more kind to understand what I was trying to tell you. And no problem if I have to repeat it 5 times because you know better, then it is okay and I will try a 6th time”.
Sorry for that
Edit: I also come from a time (some 15 years back), where I contributed to some BSD Unix forum, where you have been banned for not using the search function and not following the staffs directions. And this on the first strike. It was a bit quiet but very professional