Tilt and bed besh don't seem to correlate

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Tronxy X5SA-pro
MCU / Printerboard: BTT Manta M8P
Host / SBC CB1

klippy.log (238.8 KB)

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Describe your issue:

… After taking a break from 3D printing for a while, I’m now coming back to try and finish configuring my modified X5SA. the issue im trying to fix right now is - my hight-map doesn’t seem to jive with my z-tilt. What i mean by that is I use Z-tilt to make sure that the front two corners are lined up (running two Z stepper motors, and i used screws_tilt_calculate to try and get the rear of the ed lined up with the front (manually adjustable). After this, I take a height-map, and none of the corners seem to be lined up with each other (see attached picture). Of course this makes it nearly impossible to get a good first layer on anything but a small print - I get good squish on some parts, and others are too far from the bed, or too close. My Z-steppers don’t seem to be moving during the layers at all.

Any direction on solving for this issue are appreciated.

I’m not sure if your approach makes sense and is valid.

  • Z_TILT_ADJUST will adjust the left and right z-stepper around the center-point of the red line.
  • The X are roughly what you need for the z_positions and points in the settings. This already seems way off in your case.
  • Any deviation from a flat bed regarding the bed-screws will translate into Z_TILT_ADJUST on a 1:1 basis.
  • Then doing another round of adjustments with SCREWS_TILT_CALCULATE will again adjust something somewhere.
  • You have defined 3 screws with one on the back center. Each adjustment of any screw will again tilt the bed. If you screw down (make tighter) the front left screw, then the back right edge will raise.
  • The result you see in the mesh.
  • In addition, your probe is defined with 0.0 offsets, which can only be true if the nozzle’s tip is your probe or the probe moves exactly to this location. This seems not true, at least not for a stock Tronxy.
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