BOARD_DEFS for Artillery Ruby

Hi, I am trying to implement sdcard updates to my sidewinder. The stock lcd is connected via spi, so updating via sd should be possible.
In pins.h from Artillery (linked here), there are 3 spi_pins defined, so I tried to use them. If I search the config, the only pin called “cs” is PC15, so I came up with this def:

‘artillery-ruby’: {
‘mcu’: “stm32f401”,
‘spi_bus’: “swspi”,
‘spi_pins’: “PC11,PC12,PC10”,
“cs_pin”: “PC15”

obviously, this config is not working. Any idea to get it running?
Thanks in advance!

Hello @Meningitix !

I assume there is missing a }

If you share the klippy.log we can have a closer look on what is happening.

Wow, that was quick!
Not sure if I made it clear, I am trying to modify the to include the sdcard flash for the artillery ruby board, so klipper service is stopped while flashing.
I don’t know if there is something in the log? I added my klippy log, but also the answer my pi gave me in putty

I am not quite sure anymore if this is the right section of the forum as I am not modifying the .cfgs

Thank you!

Not all boards support this way of updating. See SDCard updates - Klipper documentation

  • Only boards that use SPI for SD Card communication are supported. Boards that use SDIO, such as the Flymaker Flyboard and MKS Robin Nano V1/V2, will not work.

I do not know, what is the case for this board.

The SPI bus and pins can realistically only derived from a schematic as you need to use the ones that are connected to the SD card slot.
Unfortunately I do not know if the information from the Marlin files is useful. I’d expect the mentioned pins to be the ones useable for periphery but not the ones of the internal SD card slot.

Just a very wild stab at it (from my n00bish understanding of the datasheet):

    'artillery-ruby': {
        'mcu': 'stm32f401',
        'spi_bus': 'spi3a',
        'cs_pin': 'PA15'

The original TFT is connected via SPI over these pins, so I assumed this is the case. This is just my (more than noobish) attempt to get it working.

Your recommendation also resulted in a “unable to connect to MCU” issue.

meh, okay seems like I finally have enough reasons to get myself a SKR board…

Thank you for your efforts!

In addition check SKR 1.4 Turbo Problem with spi_flash: reduce speed to 400K · Issue #5465 · Klipper3d/klipper · GitHub
Don’t know if this might have any effect in this case. So far no dev had a deeper look

Hi @Meningitix ,

Did you finally succeed to update your Artillery Ruby MCU using sdcard updates?
If yes, would you be kind enough to share the config that you finally used?

Best regards,

Sorry, I didn’t. I tried multiple values from the provided document, but nothing worked out for me.