Build Ender 5 Hybrid Corexy setup for speeds

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Endorphin Modded Ender 5 pro
MCU / Printerboard: MKS Robin e3 V1.1
Host / SBC BTT Pad 7

I’m part way through modding a new to me ender 5 pro with endorphin, setting up klipper and learning klipper and really planning the hot end change.

Where I’m upto
After setting setting up the printer with endorphin stage 2 at 3k accelerations and printing mostly failed benchies I was surprised by how fast the printer worked and quickly found it skipped instantly 5k. As I was still using the direct drive setup from when I bought the printer with a creality metal arm extruder and 42-40 motor on the printhead I reduced the printhead weight by 90g which meant the printer rocked less and a benchy printed with a very minor skip part way up.

I’m waiting on parts
Endorphin stage 3 uses the vzbot printhead. I’m not sold on the vzbot printhead but still moving forward with it(for now) its forcing me to adopt a groove mount hot end for ‘dragon’ which I have spare but I’m annoyed as while being listed for dragon it doesnt use the dragons rigid mounts.
Rapido while good for its use case of high flow rate printing is expensive against a more standard v6, creality hot end with a bitmetal heatbreak and cht nozzle.

Future upgrades
As above I dont like the recommended endorphin hot ends so I intend on modelling a mount to allow for a MGN9H rail and mounting for stock ender 5 parts eg bltouch fan mounts.

Hybrid corexy
I’d love to add a third motor to my system but the documentation doesnt really help and where other users have had the same issue I dont really understand the code.

I know I’ll need a replacement mainboard with a 5th stepper driver, a 42-40 motor and to remodel the mounts with more pulleys but it seems very doable.

printer.cfg (5.8 KB)

Hi, nice project. Adding the new motor to klipper is actually quite simple.

First you have to change your motion system:

> [printer]
> kinematics: hybrid_corexy
> …

And then you need to add the second y-axis motor:

> [stepper_y1]
> step_pin: ###
> dir_pin: ###
> enable_pin: ###
> microsteps: 16
> rotation_distance: 40
> endstop_pin: ### # optional

The home/endstop position is only defined for the first motor as it should be the same for both motors.
To make sure the motors work as intended, be very careful with your first moves. Make sure that both Y-motors are moving in the same direction. Here you can use Force move for moving each motor a small distance.
DON’T HOME before testing this.

The remodeling should be quiet easy. You only need to add the motors to the back and make the existing belts a little bit longer.

I hope I was able to help, if you still have any questions, feel free to ask :slight_smile:

If you want to add another motor, this time for the x-axis you can use the following code:

> [dual_carriage]
> step_pin: ###
> dir_pin: ###
> enable_pin: ###
> microsteps: 16
> rotation_distance: 60
> endstop_pin: ###
> position_endstop: ###
> position_min: ###
> position_max: ###
> homing_speed: 50
> second_homing_speed: 10

Here you need to define aditional endstop positions.

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Great work. What is the speed of your upgraded Ender-5? Most of Klipper 3D printers are Core XY printers. The Ender-5 is a exlusive.

Thankyou but I already have it homing ‘hybid corexy’ with a Y motor working as cartesian and X motor working as corexy.

What I’m looking for here is to add a third motor working as corexy. How would klipper differentiate the already working [stepper_y] working as cartesian and [stepper_y1] which I’d want to work as corexy? How about a 4th motor working as cartesian Y motor?

I bought the printer used with its bowden extruder mounted as direct drive with something similar to this its excellent for stock marlin speeds but on klipper speeds its very problematic due to the high weight of the 42-40 motor which cancels out removing the stock 42-34 motor from the x gantry.

As I only wanted to test the printer worked I only printed failed benchies and found the printer to print fine at 3k and skip at slightly higher speeds, using the old 42-34 motor in place it was 90g lighter and 5k mostly worked with a very small layer shift on the bottom of the cabin window on Y.

To go faster

  • I obviously need to get a pancake motor geared extruder
  • get on the more torque using the 42-40 extruder motor in corexy or cartesian
  • disable stealthchop

BTW klipper profiles for 5 pro is 3k acceleration, 5 S1 with its 42-48 motor 5k acceleration, theres a guy here claiming 10k acceleration with stealthcop disabled. I really want to find some testing for spreadcycle torque on nema17 motors.

I’m not quiet sure. But you can try to add [stepper_x1] in your config. That should probably work. This is also an option on the new vcore 4 (Hybrid mode, one Toolhead 4 Motors - 2y and 2 corexy).
The second y-motor is added like described ealier.

This is something I tried to lookup before posting. Do you have a link plz

I couldn’t find a config. I tried adding [stepper_x1] to the config which gave an error. Then I just added a second [stepper_x]. This time no error. Since the movement should be the same (or inverted) as the other x-motor, I think this should work fine for the desired use case. But I cannot test this at the moment. Personally I only have experience with two carriages, where the second stepper is called [dual_carriage].

Here is the cfg I tested without error:

step_pin: PF13
dir_pin: !PF12
enable_pin: !PF14
microsteps: 16
rotation_distance: 60
endstop_pin: EBBCan0:PB6
position_endstop: -28
position_min: -28
position_max: 270
homing_speed: 50
second_homing_speed: 10

step_pin: PE6
dir_pin: !PA14
enable_pin: !PE0
microsteps: 16
rotation_distance: 60

I also have a ender 5 with direct drive, but no upgrades to the kinematics yet. I will probably do stage 1 and 2 this summer. I’ve also experienced lost steps at 5k acceleration. I thought about increasing the stepper motor current, because they aren’t getting hot currently.

Did you do any changes to your configurations regarding the motors?

Edit. I’ve had issues with accelerometer mounting and after better testing I’m seeing results. As I’ve got an MKS board I can disable stealthchop for more torque. Though lighter the Y axis isn’t massively better as I’ve added 170grams for a direct drive after removing 485 grams in motors, steel plates and roller wheels.

Is that ender 5 original with 12v. What extruder are you using?

The skipping I got was pre input shaper so unsure if that’s even valid.

I still have the original V4.2.2 mainboard. I haven’t played around with the driver current. From what i have read i have TMC 2209 or 2208 drivers.

I got the creality sprite extruder. The one which mounts on top via build plate and not the whole hotend. The housing is a hero me remix with two 5015 radial fans.

Have you changed the V rollers to linear rails? The resistance with the V rollers is different at the middle than on the end. I’m not sure if this is affecting my print quality, but it definitely adds a bit of resistance.

Ok so which ender 5 variant was it again…?

Endorphin stage 2 involves changing the Y direction to linear rails. The 4.2.2 board is fine but doesn’t have UART connections so tmc drivers have to have manual current calibration and they cant run in stealthchop(course louder signalling but more torque).

I’ve not converted to stage 3 I think its quite a bad conversion it doesnt save much if any weight from the Y axis(the limiting axis) just prioritises adding the rat rig or VZbot printheads.Both have great flow and cooling but poops on the communities efforts to modify there exisiting printheads.
The core hot end is fine but printing fast requires a few things to make the hot end robust. Weirdly the worst vibrations were coming from my stock creality fan and changing to a noctua 24v fan changed that.

I’ve gone through a few changes this week and had a few fails with bad accelerometer mounting.

New extruder weighed 170g, old Bowden extruder I had direct mounted 450g so 335g weight loss.

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