Hybrid corexy kinematics problem

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Modified Ender 5plus
MCU / Printerboard: BTT M8P
Host / SBC

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Describe your issue: I have a an Ender 5plus that I have converted to hybrid core_xy. The y axis geometry is original with the x axis using the Markforged setup. I switched the kinematices to hybrid_corexy in the printer.cfg. The printer origin is front left with both x and y endstops set at x and y max. When homing, the x moves to the right as expected, the y moves to the back as expected however, while the y moves back, the x moves left instead of remaining stationary. I see the same behavior if i switch the x endstop to the left limit. I have tried changing the circled items below in the hybrid_corexy.py file but I get the same issue with the x moving left when y moves to the back.

logs-20241127-092442.zip (194.3 KB)

OK… weird… I guess I didn’t do a proper firmware shut-down but the motion is correct now. I did also change this + to - to get the z tilt positions to work properly.

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