You can add a menu to KlipperScreen to change build sheets like this:
[menu __main actions build_sheets]
name: Build Sheets
icon: bed-level
[menu __main actions build_sheets smooth_pei]
name: Smooth PEI
method: printer.gcode.script
params: {"script":"INSTALL_SMOOTH_PEI_SHEET"}
[menu __main actions build_sheets textured_pei]
name: Textured PEI
method: printer.gcode.script
params: {"script":"INSTALL_TEXTURED_PEI_SHEET"}
[menu __main actions build_sheets smooth_garolite]
name: Smooth Garolite
method: printer.gcode.script
[menu __main actions build_sheets textured_garolite]
name: Textured Garolite
method: printer.gcode.script