Bullseye Failure to Update

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Custom CoreXY
MCU / Printerboard: Octopus F446/Raspberry Pi 4B - CanBoot Installed
klippy.zip (1.8 MB)
moonraker.log (93.3 KB)

Describe your issue:

Last week, as part of the discussion regarding Raspi 4 failing to make usb connection to MCU I installed the Bullseye backports but when I tried to update them today via Moonraker they failed:

and when I tried to update via KIAUH, they also failed:

I’m guessing that adding the backport was unnecessary because I’m running CanBoot.

Is there a simple way to resolve this or do I need to reflash my Klipper SD Card?



sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 648ACFD622F3D138
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 0E98404D386FA1D9
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Could you explain, what you are trying to change with those commands?

Thank you.

According to the error messages the GPG keys of the backport repository is not known in the distribution @mykepredko is using. These commands add the GPG keys to the key-ring.

As an alternative you could also add

deb [ allow-insecure=yes ] http...

to the sources list

or modify your apt.conf to AllowUnauthenticated

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Thanx that seemed to fix it on the two printers I updated.

Question; where did you get/generate those keys?


The keys are in the image you posted with the error.

So the error message outputs the keys that it’s missing?

What a country.

GPG is a system used for digital signatures. It consists of a public key, which you see in the screenshot and a private key, which is secret.
The repositories are encrypted with the private key and the public key allows to verify this signature without the need to know the private key.

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