Basic Information:
Printer Model: Voron 2.4
MCU / Printerboard: Spider v1.0, SB2209, Cartographer, MMB
Host / SBC RPI
klippy.log (1.0 MB)
Klipper v0.12.0-256
RPI → BTT U2C v2.1 → BTT CEB
I had the printer running great for a while, UART to the Spider board and CAN to the toolhead/cart probe and MMB. Power for the RPI also from the Spider. Then I ran into TTC errors on a multi-color print job, always about 3 hours into it, just after a tool change, but after a couple of tests never at the same spot. So I started digging in (and it has gone downhill since then). The TTC errors seemed to point to the main MCU, not the MMB, so I focused there. Also no bytes_invalid or bytes_retransmit (at that time).
I saw a lot of ‘Neopixel update did not succeed’ errors and started to worry that my LED string (although only 71 pixels) was causing problems, so I did 3 things specific for that, I installed an RS25 dedicated to power the RPI (left the LEDs on the 5v bus off of the mcu board), lowered the frame rate on all effects to 12 (halving the number of updates per sec) and put in a Mellow Fly-D5 just to handle the neopixel traffic and moved the LEDs to connect to that board. I had been using commercial can bus cables that were all pretty long, so I shortened them and recrimped the terminations.
I started testing and was getting:
Timeout on wait for ‘tmcuart_response’ response
Lost communication with MCU ‘mcu’
At first I thought that I had pulled a wire loose or bumped a driver out of its socket, or anything along those lines. I went around “tugging” on the stepper cables and found 2 wires in one connector that were a little loose (I pulled them out of their pins, albeit with a fair bit of force). I stripped and recrimped that connector. The others all looked good and all of the drivers were fully seated in their sockets on the board.
Then I started to see bytes_invalid for the [mcu]. So I crimped up a can transceiver, reflashed the Spider with the klipper configured to use CAN connection and connected it (using the transceiver) to the canbus. That worked (at least Klipper would connect to it/start and I could talk to the Spider). But any tests now show the bytes_retransmit numbers growing rapidly and within seconds ‘lost communication with mcu’ Sometimes I can home and do a couple of other tasks (IE: heat up hot end, etc.) but this last time I turned on the printer, walked away to grab some food and came back and found the printer had already shutdown.
So my main question is whether the retransmits are a possible indication of a failing control board? Or is the problem somewhere else downstream from the main board?
Thanks in advance.