I have been trying to load the firmware on my ender 3 s1 for days, and I have no way to do it, at the time I loaded the firmware and it worked but days later due to a problem with the mcu I changed the firmware and I can’t get it to work anymore
I have tried with lowlevel format and various possible configurations, changing the name of the .bin, putting it in the STM32F4_UPDATE folder
I’ll send you a photo of the chip to see if anyone has managed to flash it.
I have finally been able to flash the printer, the fact is that I was having problems detecting the mcu, and it is because the USB connection detects it only if I use the command (sudo dmesg) every time, this caused it to not detect the MCU or Klipper correctly . Now I have the problem that every time I want to connect it, it asks me for that command to detect the printer