Cant complete prints anymore, hotend heating problem

Basic Information:

Printer Model: ender3v2
MCU / Printerboard: mks genL v2.1
Host / SBC linux mint 22
klippy(1).zip (1.8 MB)

As the title suggests i’ve had a few successful prints but anout two days ago i started having a problem, my prints stopped because “my hotend didn’t heat at the expected pace” however i redid PID tunings and it heats and reads correctly everytime, it only bugs when i print, after a few hours or so.
If you can help me that would be greatly appreciated!

Yes, you can clearly see it in your klippy.log

I would check the wiring of your extruder heating cartridge and exchange the cartridge. You may try an 80W cartridge.

Good luck, hcet14