Can't upload firmware to printer

Basic Information:

Printer Model: JG Aurora A5
MCU / Printerboard: MKS Gen-L V2.1
Host / SBC: Rpi 4b 4gb

I’ve decided to switch from marlin to klipper. I first uploaded Octo print to my Rpi and did the basic setup for klipper on there. When I connected my printer witch still had marlin on its mainboard everything connected just fine. I followed the installation instructions for klipper and uploaded the firmware successfully. But after restarting the mainboard the Rpi I can’t connect to the Mainboard via the Octo print web interface. It tests all the baud rates, but none of them work. After hours of troubleshooting I took a look at my log files where I found out that my mainboard somehow still has the marlin firmware on it.
What I already tried:
uploading the firmware multiple times by now (every times it says successful upload).
multiple different USB cables.
taping off the 5V pad on my USB cable
selecting multiple different processors in “make menuconfig” (all of them besides the ATMEGA2560 wont upload. Which makes sense since my processor is a ATMEGA2560)

Hope anybody can help

Hello @phUch5 !

Where have these line gone?


Fill out above information and in all cases attach your klippy.log file (use zip to compress it, if too big). Pasting your printer.cfg is not needed
Be sure to check our “Knowledge Base” Category first. Most relevant items, e.g. error messages, are covered there

Please attach the klippy.log to your next post.

How did you do that? Using the OctoPi image within Raspberry Pi Imager?
Did you use KIAUH?

You have to connect OctoPrint to Klipper via the virtual port (usual /tmp/printer)

Klipper connects to the printer via the USB-port.

Hi, thanks for the reply.

I’ll upload the klippy.log as soon a s i get back from work. Do you want the log from when i try to update the printers mainboard?

I downloaded the .iso form the octoprint website and in the raspberry pi flasher i selected costom and uploaded the firmware that way.

virtual port? Do you mean the you get when using the “ls /dev/serial/by-id/*” command or is it the serial port selected on the octoprint website.

Yesterday i was messing arround a bit and accidentally uploaded my old marlin firmware to the printer. It worked just fine and octoprint connected and recieved temperature messages just fine.

Thanks again for the reply.

If you want to go with OctoPrint plus Klipper, I really recommend to go with the ready to go image that can be found within the Raspberry Pi Imager:

The virtual port appears when Klipper is set up correct.

This one is for connecting Klipper to the printer.

Oh now i know what you mean.
I used the ~/printer_data/comms/klippy.serial wich is reccomended in the installation instructions on the klipper website.

When i get home i will also try setting the IC drive power to 5V because i read somewehere that you have to set that bevore flashing

I just installed OctoKlipperPi form the raspberry pi flasher and it automatically used /tmp/printer.
I tried connecting the motherboard directly to my pc over Telnet which worked but I noticed that it sill had marlin on it. After flashing klipper over the Rpi telnet now displays rubbish on every baud rate. I tried putting the IC drive power to 5V an then reuploading but still rubbish on all baud rates.
Is there any alternative way of flashing the Motherboard?
Thanks for the Help

Why do you have telnet involved?

The communication between Klipper and the MCU is binary. You do not see Gcodes etc.

Most important is, that Klipper establishes a proper connection to the printer with nothing inbetween.

Since I can’t connect the Rpi to the Minboard I suspect that the flashing of the firmware didn’t work so I connected the Mainboard directly to my pc and tried connecting it over telnet. That worked and I found out that I still have marlin on the mainboard so my suspicion of the flashing not working correctly turned out to be true. After reflashing I wanted to check if klipper was correctly flashed and installed so I did the same check as earlier via telnet only that the mainboard is now only outputting garbage.

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