MKS Gen_L V2.1 firmware

Basic Information:

Printer Model: JG Aurora A5
MCU / Printerboard: MKS Gen_L V2.1
Host / SBC: Rpi 4b 4gb

Having some trouble updating my firmware.
I want to swich from marlin to klipper with a Raspberry pi running octoprint as a host. When i try to update the Atmega2560 on my printers mainboard using the instructions form the klipper webiste i get a message in the terminal that states that the flashing was succsessful.
Now when i power cycle the board and try to connect via telnet it connects and states that it is still tunning marlin.
Next day i did the same thing and now i can’t even connect via tellnet on any baudrate.
The usb connection works just fine and gets detected on windows and on my Rpi wich i used for flashing. Octoprint also won’t connect to the printer.
For flashing i set the Drive IC power to 5V.
Since my board has no SD card slot opdating via SD card is not possible.
Is there any other way to update the board other than using the Raspberry pi?
If the klippy.log is needed i can uploade it as soon as i get home.

When flashing was successful, you won’t get connected to telnet because Klipper uses a different communication protocol.

You have to connect it to the Pi on what Klipper runs on.

Thanks for clarifying

Ia there any other way to upload the firmware besides SD card and the Rpi?

With a 2560 mcu you usually transfer the Klipper from the Pi code to the - in this case - Atmage2560 via USB cable. As it is described here:

Oh ok, then it seems like i did everything correct. When i press connect in octoprint and type ‘status’ into the terminal i get something along the lines of printer not ready. Could you take a look at my klippy.log if i reproduce the error and then upload it here?

Could you please attach it to your next post?



Yesterday when i wanted to download the klippy.log i suddenly got a different error message and could fix the problem myselfe.
Thanks for the help.

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