Change "position_min" value in console window

Basic Information:

Printer Model: custom
MCU / Printerboard: BTT manta + CB1

My 3D printer composed of Triple Z.
For stable tilt when the bedplate is warped, -15 was used for position_min of stepper_z.

but, Home (G92) at -15 value → If the gap between the bed plate and the nozzle is close, the tool head is broken.
I want to prepare for this.
I have to put -5 in position_min in printer.cfg for safety.

and Modify the position_min value for a while in the “Start print” macro, put the position_min value as -15, and do Z-tilt.

For pressure advance, enter “SET_PRESSURE_ADVANCE ADVANCE=”,
For run_current, enter “SET_TMC_CURRENT STEPPER=stepper_z CURRENT=”.

I need help.
Can I change the position_min value of stepper_Z by entering a command in the console window?
Please tell me the console command to change position_min of stepper_z.

Hello @SHID !

You use G92 for homing?

It appears you have a quite long printer.cfg (BTW: klippy.log is missing) with quite an amount of 3rd party macros.

When starting 3D printing, use safe_z_home to home the center of the bedplate.
Then do Z_tilt.