Chat GPT for Klipper?

Basic Information:

Printer Model:
MCU / Printerboard:
Host / SBC

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Describe your issue:

I was wondering if it would be (legal? Allowed?) to train a GPT model on Klipper code to help with programming? Can I get permission to do this? I don’t want to violate any licenses.

I can’t tell you if it is allowed, but i have used Copilot/Chat GPT to write macros and it was quite helpful. It does make mistakes, but when you can tell where the mistake is i ended up with working macros after some iterations. It’s especially useful, when you already have some working code (for me it was a python script) and want to convert it to a a macro.
Klipper afterall is opensource/public, so Chat gpt is most likely already trained with it.

If you meant with Klipper code klipper itself i haven’t experience with that.

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