Hi. I was wondering if there was a way to be able to continuously spin a stepper motor while my xyz are free to move.
I am trying to 3d print onto a cylindrical shaft and need it to spin indefinitely until my macro is done running the basic commands it will take me to print what I need.
My idea was to run it as a 2nd extruder, but this is proving to be a bit tedious trying to setup the macro. Ideally I was hoping there is a command that I can just turn on the stepper to spin and then turn off whenever I’m done.
Any help would be appreciated and if any more information is needed, please let me know.
That works! It will take some adjusting to get it to run long enough but it works. I am new to klipper as well so am unfamiliar with most of the built-in stuff. Once again, thank you!
How’s it going? Some folks on V1 Engineering forum are actively tinkering with 4th axis as well on our Mostly Printed CNCs and Printers, e.g. 4th axis - Your Builds - V1 Engineering Forum
So I am trying to run a stepper controlled mixer continuously throughout the entire print, i implemented SYNC=0 into my MANUAL_STEPPER but dont think I did properly, does anyone have a line that works for running continuously to see if I implemented it properly, i just layed the gcode out with MANUAL_STEPPER STEPPER=mixer ENABLE=1 SPEED=200 MOVE=2000 SYNC=0