Could it be a blank space in the PIN name?

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Ratrig Vcore 31
MCU / Printerboard:octopus pro + ebb42
klippy.log (7).txt (520.6 KB)


Fill out above information and in all cases attach your klippy.log file. Pasting your printer.cfg is not needed
Be sure to check our Knowledge Base and in particular this and this post

Describe your issue:


As I have said several times, I have an over temperature problem, or at least I think so, although I already doubt it.

Remember that the problem is that in the first or second layer he stopped extruding little by little, until he did not extrude anything

That I did print with the toplid closed, if it was open it printed well

Well yesterday by chance I noticed a typo, and that is that in the section:

[tmc2209 extruder]
 uart_pin: EBBCan: PA15

I had not realized, that between BBCan: AND PA15, i haved a white space… the correct EBBCan:PA15 without spaces…

the questions are:

1- Does that extra space in the name affect the configuration?

2- If I don’t have the pin configured. Is it normal that I don’t get any error?

3- What happens to me is compatible, excess temperature shortly after starting to print, with that pin NOT being configured

4- What functions does that pin have?

Let’s hope you found it, for a few hours, I won’t be able to prove it…


As long Klipper does not complains about that space, it’s all ok.
These lines are just for the assignments, not what is happening there later.

If you are in doubt, just delete that space and see what happens.

The UART pin is for communication from the MAC/EBBCan to to the stepper driver.

The over temperature has a different issue.

Are you sure about the chosen temp sensor: ATC Semitec 104GT-2 ?

Have you checked that both the slicer and Klipper run on the same extrusion mode: M82 or M83

no… but, when print with top lid open… i have not underextrusion…

How check this?

Slicer its in relative extrusion… but Klipper i dont know to see

If your extruder gets too hot, then the filament might get soft already when travelling through the extruder. This might lead to unwanted effects. Of course this highly depends on the extruder, ambient temperature, cooling and glass transition / Vicat temperature of the filament.