Cura move out of range

I’m trying to configure Cura 5, but whatever I do, when I start a job, I get this message:
“Move out of range: 469.618 566.624 12.600 [-12.961]” coordinates may change

I attach the first lines of the gcode, in case you notice something strange

;Filament used: 30.9561m
;Layer height: 0.2
;Generated with Cura_SteamEngine main
M140 S70
M190 S70
M104 S200
M109 S200
M82 ;absolute extrusion mode
G92 E0
G92 E0
G1 F1500 E-6.5
G0 F4680 X161.582 Y165.795 Z0.3
G0 X153.873 Y178.276
G1 F1500 E0
G1 F3900 X154.191 Y177.553 E0.03941
G1 X154.581 Y176.867 E0.07877
G1 X155.038 Y176.223 E0.11817
G1 X155.558 Y175.628 E0.15759
G1 X156.135 Y175.089 E0.19699
G1 X156.907 Y174.502 E0.24537

Can you tell us what’s inside the START_PRINT macro?

Or to save the supporter the ever same question: “Please post your klippy.log”
This seems exceptionally difficult :unamused:

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True… I forgot, sorry.

klippy.log.txt (5.2 MB)

You mention this START_PRINT gcode in your snippet, but there is no such macro in the config.

So there is this message in the klippy.log

Unknown command:"START_PRINT"

If you set up a [gcode_macro START_PRINT], please do not forget to include a G28 command to set the printer to proper start conditions.

Else remove START_PRINT from your start script of the slicer and set a G28 instead.

Ok… Tomorrow try…

But when home printer endstops are in Xmin and Ymax… If gcode file its in relative coordinates mode… Too are outside printer area. No?

I see two options:

  • in start gcode, not home, move printhead to X0 and Y0.


  • change the printer definition in cura, and say (x0y0) it’s in bed center… And how in mi Workflow after homing x and y, move print head to bed center to probe Z…

What option do you see more correct?

Out of of range errors are commonly caused by putting a printer in relative positioning mode (G91) and not setting it back to absolute (G90). I would suggest making sure you have G90 at the end of your start gcode.

Think it’s solved…

I put a G90 in my START._PRINT macro… And include these macro in my config

Thanks for help

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