Attempting to install Klipper with Fluid on my cr10 with skr 1.4 T / 2209 drivers and failing miserably… im not bad at following instruction, it just seems to me that they are all different! ive watch 2 vids for the ender and they differ from each other and the ive looked at the ALL3dp site
which is different again… and has a whole load of different /additional steps which include installing some octopi stuff…
Im getting this error, which tells me ive missed some steps in th Pi installation.
Unable to open config file /home/pi/klipper_config/printer.cfg
the config file also is not loading onto the printer , but i think i may have found the soloution to that on here.
Can anyone please point me in the right direction of a set of instructions on how to do this? is the all3dp site correct?
Use ls /dev/serial/by-id/* to find your connection path and add it to your printer.cfg in the [mcu] section
Modify things like endstop position, kinematics, rotation_distance etc. to match your CR10. You can use klipper/printer-creality-cr10-2017.cfg at master · Klipper3d/klipper · GitHub as a guide. Of course the pins and board stuff must not be copied because you are using an SKR 1.4T and not the original board
Ok ive gone down the mainsail route because thats what ratrig use, I think ive seen on here that you run some skr 1.4. can they take initial flash via USB? i thought it had to be by sd card.
Hi, ive managed to get the klipper and mainsail running but im struggling with the printer config, ive started with the skr 1.4 example file, but it only has options for 2208 drivers and im using 2209.
i keep getting parse errors and dont know where to look to find the correct setup, ive tried to copy some 2209 exmples from the octo board and alter the pins to match the skr 1.4 but im still getting errors. can you point me in the direction to get past this please?
Hi Im past the above now, but the microstepping had me confused for a while… according to the docs microsteps should be set up in the tmc part not the stepper part, but no matter how i tried, the config wouldnt save unless i specified it in the stepper section. The extruder seems to want it in both sections…
Im now getting an “unknown stepper stepper extruder” error. ive googled it but cant find what it means, ive checked the connections and dont know where to look next.
I don’t know where you’re seeing microsteps in the TMC section. That was changed months ago and all the official docs now show microsteps in the stepper section. Microsteps can’t be in any TMC section, even the extruder.
Thanks for replying during the holidays. i got it from a link on one of the support pages on the klipper github, but obviously its out of date.
but thats not relevant because as you say its out of date. ive tried copying the 2209 config from the octopus board into my board and altering the uart pins to my board that doesnt work either.
i understand that you get idiots like me asking the same questions and i dont want anyone to do this for me but its not like i havnt been trying for days now to get this to work.
from what i understand about klipper i just need to cut and paste the relevant sections of code from the examples and alter the pin assignments and it should all work and be ready for tuning?
Ive got mainsail to talk to the printer and can heat up the hotend and bed, but so far no luck with moving the steppers.
Example-extras.cfg was deprecated a long time ago. Please only refer to current config files on the GitHub and
I’m confused about what you’re doing right now. In your original post you said you have an SKR 1.4T, but now you’re copying stuff from an Octopus config? Pins are not the same between boards so that will never work.
Scrap everything you’ve done so far and start with the official SKR 1.4 config (, uncomment the tmc2208 sections and rename them to tmc2209 (they use the same pins so only the name needs to change), and then edit endstop, min and max positions to match your printer. You’re making this way too complicated.
Yup i was making it wayyyy to complicated! id actually tried renaming the steppers, but it just wouldnt work for some reason, then i found out that the logic on the limit switches was reversed but when i tried to change them the printer wouldnt re connect…
turns out it wanted a full reboot! I was actually changing the pins from the octopus because i thought that this missing settings in the 2208 config was casing the problem so i copied the stepper driver config and re named the pins…
Anyway, i have the steppers moving and am now tring to sort out the bl touch… interesting times but im slowly learning my way around the documentation.