Printer.cfg creation

Hello there,
I am trying to change my firmware to klipper and i am looking to start building the printer.cfg file.
i have an ender 3 pro with skr 1.4 turbo and tmc2209. i have upgraded to sprite extruder pro with a 3d touc and also i am using a tft display.
I have already followed the guide on how to install klipper, moonraker, mainsail and octorpint on my rpi 3. I can access these from my browser and as i understand the next step is to upload the firmware on my skr motherboard.
After that i have to prepare this config file and i really cant find how to configure some of the hardware that i have.
For example i used this board with marlin as well and i had set uart mode for my tmc2209’s. How do i set this up in klipper?
What is the configs needed to get the 3d touch to work?
What configs i need to make to add dual Z axis (second Z running on seperate tmc2209)?
And how to set up pressure advance?

Any suggestions would help, thanks!

Basically you can think of the printer.cfg as having two dimensions (although not reflected in this sharpness):

  1. Hardware: Mainly dictated by the used printer board and the therein installed components. In your case refer to klipper/config/generic-bigtreetech-skr-v1.4.cfg at master · Klipper3d/klipper · GitHub
  2. Printer specifics, like accelerations, velocity, endstop positions etc. Again in your case refer to klipper/config/printer-creality-ender3pro-2020.cfg at master · Klipper3d/klipper · GitHub

So for your system, you need to create a synthesis out of these two dimensions. Mainly focus on No.1 as this governs the firmware build options, used pins etc.

Also please follow the template information when you open a topic here. Would you have read the information, then you would have noticed that you posted in wrong category.

So if i am understanding this correctly the step and dir pins for me would be the ones in the btt skr1.4.cfg rather than the ones in the ender3pro.cfg file?
And then for installing the 3d touch and enabling bed mesh i would have to find the pin names of the skr 1.4 turbo that the sensor is connected to and use those?
Also when i have dual Z (with 2 tmc2209’s) i have to make another [stepper_z] and [tmc2209 stepper_z] section ?


Fully correct.
WRT the additional stepper it would be [stepper_z1] and [tmc2209 stepper_z1]

thanks for the help… i ll get back if anything else is troubling me but with the correct topic.