Does anyone have a config file (printer.cfg) for the ender 3 v3 se

Basic Information:

Printer Model: ender 3 v3 se
MCU / Printerboard: idk
Host / SBC raspberry pi 3b+

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Describe your issue: Does anyone have a config file (printer.cfg) for the ender 3 v3 se. I need a good printer.cfg file

Please put your your request also to the text area - not only to the topic.

Here is one I am using. Sorry, I can’t recall where I got it or I’d give them credit for it!
Note the screen, and pressure sensor (used for automatic Z-offset) don’t work in Klipper.


# This file contains pin mappings for the stock 2022 Creality Ender 3
# V3 SE. To use this config, during "make menuconfig" select the
# STM32F103 with a "28KiB bootloader" and serial (on USART1 PA10/PA9)
# communication.

# If you prefer a direct serial connection, in "make menuconfig"
# select "Enable extra low-level configuration options" and select
# serial (on USART1 PA2/PA3), which is broken out on the 10 pin IDC
# cable used for the LCD module as follows:
# 3: Tx, 4: Rx, 9: GND, 10: VCC

# Flash this firmware by copying "out/klipper.bin" to a SD card and
# turning on the printer with the card inserted. The firmware
# filename must end in ".bin" and must not match the last filename
# that was flashed.

# This also works for the GD32F303 based Creality 4.2.2 board.

# See docs/ for a description of parameters.

[include mainsail.cfg]
[include custom_macros/*.cfg]
#[include usb_accelerometer.cfg]

path: ~/printer_data/gcodes
on_error_gcode: CANCEL_PRINT

enable_force_move: True

##     MCU (Stock Creality)
serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-1a86_USB_Serial-if00-port0
restart_method: command

##     DISPLAY and MENUS

### Disabled stock display after installing Klipper

step_pin: PC2
dir_pin: !PB9
enable_pin: !PC3
microsteps: 16
rotation_distance: 40
endstop_pin: ~!PA5
# homing_retract_dist: 0
position_endstop: -8
position_min: -8
position_max: 225
homing_speed: 150

homing_retract_dist: 5.0
homing_retract_speed: 20
second_homing_speed: 2

[tmc2209 stepper_x]
uart_pin: PB12
run_current: 0.7
#hold_current: 0.5
sense_resistor: 0.150
stealthchop_threshold: 999999
interpolate: False

step_pin: PB8
dir_pin: PB7
enable_pin: !PC3
microsteps: 16
rotation_distance: 40
endstop_pin: ~!PA6
position_endstop: -17
position_min: -17
position_max: 225
homing_speed: 150

homing_retract_dist: 5.0
homing_retract_speed: 20
second_homing_speed: 2

[tmc2209 stepper_y]
uart_pin: PB13
run_current: 0.7
#hold_current: 0.5
sense_resistor: 0.150
stealthchop_threshold: 999999
interpolate: False

step_pin: PB6
dir_pin: !PB5
enable_pin: !PC3
microsteps: 16
rotation_distance: 8
endstop_pin: probe:z_virtual_endstop
position_min: -3 #only set during CRTouch calibratiion
position_max: 250
homing_speed: 30

homing_retract_dist: 5.0
homing_retract_speed: 5
second_homing_speed: 2

[tmc2209 stepper_z]
uart_pin: PB14
run_current: 0.8
#hold_current: 0.5
sense_resistor: 0.150
stealthchop_threshold: 999999
interpolate: False

#set_position_z: 0
#  G0 Z10
#  G28 X0
#  G28 Y0
#  G28 Z0

step_pin: PB4
dir_pin: PB3
enable_pin: !PC3
microsteps: 16
rotation_distance: 7.44
nozzle_diameter: 0.4
filament_diameter: 1.75
heater_pin: PA1
sensor_type: EPCOS 100K B57560G104F
sensor_pin: PC5
#control: pid
#pid_Kp: 27.142
#pid_Ki: 1.371
#pid_Kd: 134.351
min_temp: 0
max_temp: 260
max_extrude_only_distance: 100
max_extrude_only_velocity: 10
pressure_advance: 0.0715

#[tmc2208 extruder]
#run_current: 0.7
##hold_current: 0.500
#sense_resistor: 0.150
#stealthchop_threshold: 999999
#interpolate: False

retract_length: 0.8
retract_speed: 30
unretract_extra_length: 0
unretract_speed: 30

kinematics: cartesian
max_velocity: 500
max_accel: 5000
max_z_velocity: 30
max_z_accel: 1000
square_corner_velocity: 5.0

resolution: 1.0


# Stock CR Touch bed sensor
sensor_pin: ^PC14
control_pin: PC13
x_offset: -23.0
y_offset: -14.5
#z_offset: 2.65
probe_with_touch_mode: True
speed: 50
pin_move_time: 0.4
stow_on_each_sample: false

speed: 200
horizontal_move_z: 5
mesh_min: 30,30         # Need to handle head distance with cr-touch (bl_touch)
mesh_max: 202,210.5     # Max probe range (230-23,230-14.5)
probe_count: 5,5
algorithm: bicubic

# Probe locations for assisted bed screw adjustment.
screw1: 54.5, 45.5
screw1_name: front left screw
screw2: 224.5, 45.5
screw2_name: front right screw
screw3: 224.5, 215.5
screw3_name: rear right screw
screw4: 54.5, 215.5
screw4_name: rear left screw
horizontal_move_z: 10.
speed: 50
screw_thread: CCW-M4

#home_xy_position: 110,65
home_xy_position: 134,123
speed: 150
z_hop: 50
z_hop_speed: 30

##     HEATERS and FANS
heater_pin: PB2
sensor_type: EPCOS 100K B57560G104F
sensor_pin: PC4
#control: pid
#pid_kp: 66.371
#pid_ki: 0.846
#pid_kd: 1301.702
min_temp: 0
max_temp: 100

pin: PA0

[heater_fan Hotend]
pin: PC1
heater: extruder
heater_temp: 50.0

[temperature_sensor rPi]
sensor_type: temperature_host
min_temp: 10
max_temp: 100

[temperature_sensor MCU]
sensor_type: temperature_mcu
min_temp: 0
max_temp: 100

#[filament_switch_sensor filament_sensor]
#switch_pin: !PC15
#pause_on_runout: true

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