Dual extrusion single hot end

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Wanhao d12
MCU / Printerboard: MKS robin nano v1.2
Host / SBC raspberry pi 4
klippy.log (2.3 MB)

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Describe your issue:

there is only a single Thermistor and sensor and two extruder motors, when I have the 2nd extruder commented out the printer works fine but the minutes i comment in the 2nd extruder it gives me the ACDC error but thats because there is no 2nd thermistor or sensor, if i leave the sensor and heater details out it gives me the error requiring sensor pin type, sensor pin, heater control.

Please assist in getting it running literally the last part of what i need

Take a look at this post:

the Tai-Chi hotend is a 2 in 1 out, so this should be similar to what your trying to achieve

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