Dual Switching Hotend - not activating Servo

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Proforge 3.5
MCU / Printerboard: BTT SKR-2
Host / SBC Ubuntu on NUC Celeron
klippy.log (5.7 MB)


Fill out above information and in all cases attach your klippy.log file (use zip to compress it, if too big). Pasting your printer.cfg is not needed
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Describe your issue:

Switching from a Direct Extruder setup to the official Proforge dual hotend kit.

This is the guide I followed.

Here is the Klipper printer.cfg I am basing mine on

Of course my printer .cfg and macros look different because I am using a BTT Eddy as well (that works fine)

When I send the command to the arm servo, I get no activity at all.

I do not get any errors, just no movement. I have tested with a second servo with no results, and can verify 5v on center pin.

I have it plugged into “Servo” according to the github diagram.

Everything else works perfect, already did a PID tune and everything. Just cant get the servo to move at all.

Attached is my printer.cfg, macro, and variables.

Thank you for reading my question.
config.zip (62.3 KB)

[gcode_macro ARM_INSTALL]
gcode = 
	SET_PIN PIN=servo_power VALUE=1

[gcode_macro SERVO_OFF]
gcode = 
	SET_PIN PIN=servo_power VALUE=0

[gcode_macro ARM_POSITION]
gcode = 
	SET_PIN PIN=servo_power VALUE=1
	{% set serv_angle=params.A|default(0)|float %}
	SET_SERVO SERVO=extruder ANGLE={serv_angle}
	G4 P1500
	SET_PIN PIN=servo_power VALUE=0

[servo extruder]
pin = PE5
initial_angle = 165
maximum_servo_angle = 180
minimum_pulse_width = 0.0004
maximum_pulse_width = 0.0024

[output_pin servo_power]
pin = PE6
pwm = False

I would simplify the setup to only the servo and then test it. The approach with the power pin seems incorrect, as this is a control pin at 3V3 and not a power supply pin.

Thank you for the reply, and the help. I looked over the commented code you left, and I don’t see anything different in the code you posted and the code I already have. Is there something else I am missing?

Again thank you for the reply, I have 2 other servos and plan to plug them straight into the board to confirm its not a cable issue as well.

Sorry, apparently I was not very clear. The code above is exactly your settings (spread all over the place in the config) and I just copied it together to highlight:

Hahaha thank you! Okay, I see what you mean.

Teach a man to fish…

Your issue lies here…

Thank you for the nudge, I’ll look into testing just the servo itself if possible and report back later with my findings.

Thank you again for your patience and guidance.

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Found my Solution!

It was a dead Servo!! I either killed it while trying to figure out the klipper code, or it was dead on arrival. Either way, I had 2 spares and when I plugged in a spare. it hommed itself and were cooking!!

Thank you for those that read my post.


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