E Steps and ratio?


found for my new BIUQ Extruder H2 this description

932 steps/mm at 16 segments (further correction required)

how can I setup the config of the spider v2.2 ?

step_pin: PD5
dir_pin: PD6 # Tronxy !PD6 BQ PD6
enable_pin: !PD4
microsteps: 32 -->> 16?
rotation_distance: 23.89816 #22.478 # Titan Extruder Clone Rotation Distance BQ ?

THX! for help


Read the entire article. In brief:

  • Convert the esteps to rotation_distance as detailed in the link above, using 16 microsteps
  • rotation_distance in Klipper is then independent from microsteps, so you can just keep 32 as per your current config
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Gear ratio is 7:1

gear_ratio: 7:1 # Titan Extruder Clone Gear Ratio 66:22    BQ 7:1

is that fine?

by measuring driving the filament 100mm, the ratio is 10.7

gear_ratio: 7:1 # Titan Extruder Clone Gear Ratio 66:22    BQ 7:1

Iam fine with these settings, or do I have to check more?

step_pin: PD5
dir_pin: PD6  # Tronxy !PD6  BQ PD6
enable_pin: !PD4
microsteps: 32
rotation_distance: 10.7 #23.89816 #22.478 # Titan Extruder Clone Rotation Distance    BQ 10.7
gear_ratio: 7:1 # Titan Extruder Clone Gear Ratio 66:22    BQ 7:1
nozzle_diameter: 0.400
filament_diameter: 1.750
min_extrude_temp: 10
heater_pin: PB15
sensor_type: Generic 3950  # Tronxy ATC Semitec 104GT-2    BQ NTC3950 100k  Generic 3950
sensor_pin: PC0
control: pid
pid_Kp: 18.831  # Tronxy 18.831
pid_Ki: 0.821  # Tronxy 0,821
pid_Kd: 108.044  # Tronxy 108.044
min_temp: 0
max_temp: 270
max_extrude_only_distance: 350

about the calculation of the rotation_distance

rotation_distance = <full_steps_per_rotation> * / <steps_per_mm>

rotation_distance = 932 * 16 / ? → how do I get this value?

found in the description:

circumference of extrusion wheel: 24,5mm


  • Kick out gear_ratio
  • Use rotation_distance = <full_steps_per_rotation> * <microsteps> / <steps_per_mm> = 200*16/932 = 3.433 as rotation_distance
  • Fine tune rotation_distance as per Rotation distance - Klipper documentation
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Am I missing something maybe.
The rotation distance is more or less correct for my setup but the motor is turning way too fast. At a feed rate of 14 mm/s, the stepper is losing steps.
This was working for my stock ender 3 extruder but I tried to print a part which worked with stock extruder but now the H2 stepper just kept skipping steps.

Hello @Obscure0130 !

For the age of the thread and your issue goes a bit a different way, I recommend to open a new thread with all required information (klippy.log, etc)